rokrbox TV | Meet Our Top Talent ๐ŸŒŸ

by | Apr 12, 2022

On this episode of rokrbox TV, we have something very special to share with you: an exclusive look at a day in the life of our hardworking ISA team! 

We’re excited to take you behind-the-scenes of our daily operations inside the rokrbox World Headquarters in College Station, TX. Located right across the street from Texas A&M University, we have the opportunity to hand-pick the “best & brightest” from the university’s never-ending talent pool.

Our selective hiring process allows us to recruit students who are seeking part-time work, but more importantly, it allows us to provide them with hands-on, resume-building professional experience that easily sets them apart from their peers. Unlike the monotony of unpaid internships or an obligatory, entry-level “office job,” we strive to give students real life experience that will equip them for success in their future careerโ€”whatever that happens to be.

Because we only promote from within the company, every single member of our rokrbox family starts out in the same position as a Client Care Representative, with plenty of opportunities to advance to new roles and take on new responsibilitiesโ€”not to mention the pay bumps that come with those achievements!

Each caller receives 16 hours of extensive training before they step out onto our floor, but we’re confident that every ISA we’ve trained (almost 400!) would agree that the work is more than worth it. In addition to gaining valuable sales experience that other part-time jobs just can’t offer, students have opportunities to be involved with a variety of interests and industries: marketing, customer service, recruiting, client relations, entrepreneurship, management, and more. 

We hope you enjoy this video straight from the horse’s mouth! Be sure to check back with us in a couple weeks to hear more insight from our very own rokrbox CEO & Founder, Josh Cunningham. As we like to say here in Aggieland, thanks & gig ’em! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ