On this episode of rokrbox TV, Josh meets with Ford Duncan of Duncan Group Properties based in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Joining the video call from the Team Building Summit, Josh reflects back on meeting Ford at the conference back in 2018, and celebrates the opportunity to interact with people face-to-face after social distancing for so long.
[0:49] “Entrepreneur to entrepreneur,” Josh tells Ford, “it’s all about helping people solve problems, to create the freedom in your life for you and your family.”
When asked how he got into the real estate industry, Ford explains that he started out in law enforcement, but decided to seek a different career path after getting married. Real estate offered him the flexibility he needed to start a family.
[2:50] Ford admits off the bat that selling real estate was never his passion. “My passion is not doing the daily grind,” he says. “My passion is business building. Real estate was just kind of the avenue that I had taken.”
After meeting Josh in 2018, Ford was interested in rokrbox’s services, but was initially wary about the cost. As Ford’s business continued to grow at an impressive speed—bringing in $15M in the first year alone with just 2-3 agents onboard—Ford quickly realized the difficulty of scrubbing leads during a period of such rapid growth, and often spent 12-14 hours a day making calls.
[6:35] Two years after meeting Josh at the Summit Leader Conference, Ford reached back out to rokrbox, hiring them to work a small amount of Ford’s leads. “What we were wanting to find,” Ford explains, “was a solution to the money we were pouring out for online leads that were being somewhat squandered.”
After taking the official “plunge” with rokrbox a month and a half ago, Ford offers his advice to anyone considering investing in rokrbox, imploring them to keep an open mind.
“For me, I’m a numbers guy,” he tells Josh. “And what the cost came down to was, if I get just one closing out of this, it’s going to almost pay for the whole thing—for our six month contract. That seems doable. And what do you know? Two weeks in, and we already got a client that’s closing tomorrow.”
Congratulating Ford on his continued success, Josh identifies a key value that rokrbox offers. “We’re a human-based solution,” Josh explains. “We’re not just a technology add-on. You’re actually hiring a real staff.” He continues to break down the rokrbox solution into 3 parts: calling leads right away, calling leads frequently, and staying in touch with leads indefinitely.
[14:56] “It’s a process,” Josh says, elaborating on rokrbox’s namesake, “rocker box”—a tool used to mine gold. “You put the sand and the dirt and the gravel through the rocker box. What you’re looking for are those few motivated buyers.”
Ford comments on the efficiency of the rokrbox solution. “You guys are not closing the lead for us,” he says. “You guys aren’t taking them on showings. You’re not writing the contract. You’re qualifying them. You’re getting them into the hands of a qualified agent.”
Ford tells Josh that he is most impressed with rokrbox’s quick and seamless onboarding, which Josh attributes to the diligence of rokrbox’s Client Care managers, his full-time staff who all started out in the same position: callers.
“They essentially own that relationship,” Josh says. “They own all of the responsibilities to make sure that you’re represented well, that the team is hired and trained fast, and held accountable so that you have eyes and ears and heart and soul on your lead conversion process.”
[16:20] In response to Josh’s question about his goals for the upcoming year, Ford explains that he’s pushing really hard for 2021 to be their best year yet. “I hope that everyone watching this is doing the same,” he says. “rokrbox is an awesome tool. Really glad we added that to our arsenal, and we look forward to growing our relationship with rokrbox.”